authentic self, awareness, empowerment, Perspective Shifting, spiritual

Purpose, Healing, Movement Forward

Over the past year, I have experienced a few mishaps myself. If you are incarnated, then you’re on your path. The question is which direction you are facing? Forward or backward. The next question is, what areas of your life are not flowing?

I personally hurt my knee last April and the same knee in January this year. I have found several others in my circle that have hurt various parts of their body and had other day to day issues not related to their physical body.

Big energy is really calling “spiritual” people to start doing what they came here to do. To start really following their internal GPS, intuition, or higher self. What projects are you putting off? What intuitions are you ignoring or otherwise hiding from? Now, as in the next few months, is the time to take inventory and get your shit together and start being and doing what you have been putting off. It’s time to call yourself out on your own bullshit or seek the help of someone who you can trust to see your bullshit. A friend was having some car troubles, and she kept saying “OK Universe, I get it, I’m not supposed to be driving.” After 3 weeks of holding space for her, I just said,” What if it’s not about driving at all? What if it has to do with starting? What are you not starting?” So my next question is, what do you need to start.? 

The following realizations are probably not popular or comfortable, but i feel they have their place here. I have had a few friends lose people close to them who have crossed over. Men, which to me says ” Oh yes, the planet needs more feminine energy at this time.” I remember reading that in 2012 (official start of the Age of Aquarius possibly as the Mayan calendar did end) The will be no more accumulation of Karma as it has been for a long time. It will be more instant. I know that many feel their Karmic relationships are ending, and they are able to move on from them. Another layer of that is that people feel their soul contracts are ending, and this will be their last lifetime, which explains why they can move on from past relationships easily. And yet another layer is that the vibration of the planet is rising and the souls that are passing on that have a deep seated place in 3D energy will not be coming back to this planet, or possibly this galaxy or universe. They will need to find another 3D environment to continue with their own journey. Again, another reason we feel endings are happening. I rarely have shared these feelings and only with a select few.

New projects are coming together for people. As we shift our focus and energy to a service to humanity goal, there will be great abundance coming in. Abundance is who we are at the core of our being. As we shift to more of a deep inner guidance and wisdom perspective, as we stay in our body rather than constantly trying to escape or be distracted by the unimportant things, this society bombards us with we create and harness the embodiment of our spirit. We get grounded and become real, present, and more of who we truly are. And yet, we flow, we are the flow of life itself. This kind of is the purpose. The energy of holding space for yourself to transform and know what your energy actually is.

We begin to see more clearly for ourselves and others. One of the most amazing things my mentor said to me was,” If you can do readings for other people, then you can read for yourself.” That inner guidance, that intuition its there. Are you following your own inner knowing? You always know the answer. The question is, “Is your inner world silent enough to hear the answer?”

I just remembered something else. Faith in the unseen can be quite daunting. You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t constantly questioning your own sanity. Is it real, am I imagining these things? We as humans are constantly flipping between our human and our spirit. We think we are crazy for letting our intuition guide us, then we say nope this is not the real world and go off on our own. Fumbling through life. Then we’re spiritual again, and then we are doubting. It’s a continuous spiral of leaving and coming back to ourselves. Spiritual being, having a human experience…not a human having a spiritual experience. It’s natural, and it happens. I used to throw my arms up and say I quit. I quit. This is ridiculous. Then, within a few hours, I was right back following my intuition and receiving guidance. It’s a surrendering into being a spiritual being. I would often go kicking and screaming, and with new ways of looking at situations. Wild ride this human experience.

I hope this wasn’t too much chaos and shifting in this one.


© 2014 & beyond Jenn Moreau

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