
Spiritual Practice

Over the past few months everyone had been feeling the strong energy whether they are aware of it or not. When I wake up I clear my energy from my sleep time and cut my cords as well. When I am on my way home after the day I also do the same. My energy is mine and keeping it clear and free it important. We are all empaths the only difference is the level of awareness we each have. I have been going outside and sending energy to the earth and humanity. I declare I am a sovereign being of this universe and I do not consent to any detrimental activities towards humanity on this planet.

I have been clearing the energy from myself that belongs to the collective consciousness.

I also clear the collective consciousness of energy that is no longer for the highest soul evolution of all sentient beings.

Here is what I have been saying. You can make it your own, it doesn’t need to be the same. What ever feels right to you. The intention of releasing yourself from the energy of the collective and also clearing all energy that is no longer necessary for the collective are the intentions I have set. These intentions work for me. When I say please, and thank you I am asking my higher self, or oversoul, my soul self. However you think of it is ok, be it angels or ascended masters, God, Source, Creator, Higher Power.

Please clear all energy from my energetic system that is from the collective consciousness. Restore my energy to its natural state. As it is done, I ask that the energy that was removed from me, be replaced by the highest, purest available energy to me. Thank you

Please clear all energy from the collective consciousness that is detrimental to the highest evolution and soul development of all beings on the planet. Please replace the energy removed with the highest, purest energy available to each soul. Thank you.

I feeling the strong pull towards the masculine energy and working to balance with the feminine. I have seen many working with dragon energy this is also a masculine energy.

It is exciting to see many people working with fractals more, beginning to see the potential of the applications in daily life.

I have been hearing more and more about the trinity which I believe is masculine and feminine combined with your higher self aspect, which is the Gateway to infinite remembrance and living in the current moment, trusting that the information you need will be there when you need it. It is also the zero point.

Zero point=NOW=Trinity=Gateway all this energy to bring us to our birth right to evolve into the Spiritual Kingdom while in human form.

Never have we as humans had this level of pure, Solar(soular) Consciousness available to us. In the past the only way to reach this level of vibration was to leave the body. I tell you, should you choose to do the personal work and access this energy it is available to you, in fact it is our evolution, it is available to all who wish to reach for it in this lifetime.

*Light Quotient is the ability of the physical body to hold pure light energy.

*It is said there are 72000 channels in the body which carry life force and light as it were, to all of the cells within the physical.

Who said intelligent design isn’t at work somehow 😁

Much Love and Many Blessings

Jenn Moreau



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